Monday, November 3, 2008

My Election Anxiety

Jesus, does election season put me on edge. I swear to God, my moods seem to cycle according to the political news in the months before a presidential vote.

Back in 2004, I did pretty well most of the year, still recovering from a nasty depression but feeling a hell of a lot better. I even worked as a poll watcher, which I don't think I could've pulled off in a bad state of mind.

Then John Kerry lost, & I couldn't get out of bed for two days straight. It was the start of the third major depressive episode I've been able to pinpoint.

This time around I promised myself I wouldn't get so emotionally attached to the race. That worked until about two days after Barack Obama announced his campaign in 2007.

So vote Democratic tomorrow, or I'll have a nervous breakdown. And it'll be on you.

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